=> [[maxime:cv|traduction Française]]
* => [[https://www.mouet-mouet.net/maxime/cv-english.pdf|PDF version]]
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====== Maxime DERCHE, Information Technology Manager ======
{{ https://www.mouet-mouet.net/maxime/maxime-derche.jpg?320|}}
Maxime DERCHE 40 years old
11, rue Louis Delos
59800 LILLE
* **Telephone** :
* telephone : +33 3 20 77 01 87 ;
* mobile : +33 6 85 47 19 47 ;
* **e-mail** :
* ;
* [[https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x47F729A6AE5264B5|OpenPGP public key]];
* ID : 0xAE5264B5 ;
* fingerprint : 7221 4C4F D57C 456F 8E40 3257 47F7 29A6 AE52 64B5 ;
* **web** :
* => [[https://www.mouet-mouet.net/]] ;
* => [[https://www.mouet-mouet.net/maxime/]].
====== Certifications ======
* [[https://certificats-personnes.afnor.org/?key=C0C36FCAEDDE82F03DE141442581F3C87EDB495F3D76491E0A618CC666784C21ampTNlo3SEd3OGY3N0tDMlNacDdsVTRyOEltZ0hHUERqaHlEN3JUYVFwek1OTlMw|ISO 27001:2022 Lead Implementer]] (december 2023) ;
* TOGAF 10 (planned by end 2024) ;
* Next steps: CISM, ISO 27005 (Risk), ISO 27701 (Privacy), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity), COBIT, etc.
====== Career ======
* **Founder - President**:
* **Maxime DERCHE Information System Consulting France** (Lille), since April 2019:
* ➔ IT infrastructure consulting: strategy, management, architecture, security ;
* **IT Security Manager (CISO)**:
* **Cerise Media** (Tourcoing), from January 2018 to April 2019:
* ➔ management of the three main projects related to IT security: conformity with the GDPR, conformity with Bertelsmann’s IT security management system (ISO27001 ISMS), and setup of a global business continuity plan ;
* **IT Infrastructure Manager**:
* **Cerise Media** (Tourcoing), from September 2016 to December 2017:
* ➔ with the CTO, complete redesign of the hosting infrastructure for the international Gentside and OhMyMag! websites, implementation of the best practices (automation, etc.), security management, team management, recruitment ;
* **Information System Architect** :
* **Elosi** (Villeneuve d'Ascq), from April 2015 to August 2016:
* ➔ design and implementation of a web hosting platform, from the paperboard to the racks in the datacenter, then dratf the exploitation, maintenance and security procedures to operate the platform ;
* **System and Network Administrator**:
* **Runiso** (Lille), from November 2014 to March 2015:
* ➔ member of the System and Security team in a PCI-DSS hosting environment ;
* **Econocom** :
* **Oxylane/Décathlon** (Villeneuve-d'Ascq), from March 2011 to October 2014:
* ➔ IT system engineering and administration, maintenance under operational conditions and continuous improvement of the international e-commerce platform, automation and manangement of the applicative deployments, technological watch, team training, setup of a security policy and of technical security countermeasures, technical architecture advisoring ;
* **CERIZ** (Lille puis Villeneuve-d'Ascq), from November 2009 to February 2010 ;
* **Développeur** :
* **GOTO Software** (Hem), from August to September 2008;
* member of the R&D team of the VadeRetro antispam software ;
* **English to French translator** :
* //Cisco Routers for the Desperate// and //Absolute FreeBSD, second edition// by Michael W. Lucas, //The Book of PF// by Peter N.M. Hansteen, and //Designing BSD Rootkits// by Joseph Kong.
====== Hard and soft skills ======
* **Information System Management** :
* maintenance under operational conditions of information infrastructures (support,monitoring, incident response) ;
* technical architecture for web hosting ;
* collaborative tooling for the users ;
* open governance based on technical excellence, infrastructure security and data protection ;
* **team management** :
* modern and caring management methods (right to fail, tolerance) ;
* agile project management (scrum method) ;
* knowledge management and transmission ;
* continuous training (conferences, press, technical library) ;
* **personal management** :
* high expertise of the free software field (ecosystem, communities) ;
* deep social network, at personal, communautary, professionnal and political levels ;
* speaking and wrinting skills (live radio shows, conferences, articles) ;
* fluent in English, basic level in German, and beginner in Japanese ;
* artistic and litterary sensibility ;
* golf beginner (index 54) ;
* father.
====== Technical references ======
* **Hardware** : HP (ProLiant, Moonshot), Dell, SuperMicro, Soekris, Sun/Oracle SPARC, Silicon Graphics ;
* **datacenter infrastructure management** ;
* **free UNIX systems**:
* GNU/Linux : Debian, Gentoo, Red Hat, Slackware, Ubuntu ;
* FreeBSD ;
* OpenBSD ;
* shells ZSH et Bash ;
* tmux, vim, sed, grep, etc. ;
* **networking**:
* firewalls: Packet Filter, pfSense, OpnSense, NetFilter/IPTables ;
* VPN: IPsec, OpenVPN ;
* SSH (OpenSSH, PuTTY), DNS/DNSSEC (ISC Bind, NSD, Unbound), DHCP, PXE booting, etc. ;
* remote console systems: HP iLo, IPMI, Sun LOM/ALOM/ILOM ;
* load balancing: KeepAlived, HAProxy ;
* Cisco solutions management ;
* **security** :
* general cryptography, TLS/SSL, certification authorities (PKI, CACert, Let’s Encrypt) ;
* OpenSSL/LibreSSL, GnuPG ;
* secret management (KeePass) ;
* Network (Suricata) or host (rkhunter, OSSEC) intrusion detection/prevention ;
* vulnerability assessment: OpenVAS ;
* **Web** :
* Apache HTTPd, Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy ;
* PHP (PHP-FPM, APC, Zend OPcache, memcached), Ruby on Rails ;
* Java (Oracle JDK, OpenJDK), Apache Tomcat ;
* DotClear, WordPress, DokuWiki, MediaWiki, StatusNet, ownCloud, NextCloud, Tiny-Tiny RSS, Mattermost, webalizer, Awstats, Piwik, etc. ;
* **e-mail** :
* Dovecot, Postfix, ClamAV, OpenBSD spamd, GNU Mailman ;
* **databases** : PostgreSQL, MySQL ;
* **monitoring** : SNMP, Nagios/Centreon, PNP4Nagios, Shinken, Graphite ;
* **backup** : Bacula, Bareos ;
* **configuration management** : Puppet, Foreman, Rundeck, Ansible, AWX/Tower ;
* **development tools** : Git, Gitlab, Mercurial, MantisBT, Jenkins.
====== Études ======
* 2001 – 2010 : Licence d'Informatique (Université Lille I, France), not completed.
* June 2001 : Baccalauréat Scientifique (Lycée André Malraux, Béthune, France).