# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=1000 SAVEHIST=1000 setopt autocd beep nomatch unsetopt appendhistory extendedglob notify bindkey -v # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install # The following lines were added by compinstall zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/maxime/.zshrc' autoload -Uz compinit compinit # End of lines added by compinstall # UNIX variables. # $PATH taken from the OpenBSD 5.3 default ~/.profile file. PATH=$HOME/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:. #TERM="xterm-color" VISUAL=/usr/local/bin/vim EDITOR=/usr/local/bin/vim PAGER=/usr/bin/less # OpenBSD specific variables. PKG_PATH=http://ftp.fr.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/ CVSROOT=anoncvs@anoncvs.fr.openbsd.org:/cvs # Prompt. PS1="%F{cyan}%n%f@%F{green}%m%f %B%F{white}%2d%f%b %% " #PS2 #PS3 #PS4 # Locale. LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 # Working HOME and END keys. # Taken from <http://zshwiki.org/home/zle/bindkeys>. # --------------------------------- autoload zkbd function zkbd_file() { [[ -f ~/.zkbd/${TERM}-${VENDOR}-${OSTYPE} ]] && printf '%s' ~/".zkbd/${TERM}-${VENDOR}-${OSTYPE}" && return 0 [[ -f ~/.zkbd/${TERM}-${DISPLAY} ]] && printf '%s' ~/".zkbd/${TERM}-${DISPLAY}" && return 0 return 1 } [[ ! -d ~/.zkbd ]] && mkdir ~/.zkbd keyfile=$(zkbd_file) ret=$? if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then zkbd keyfile=$(zkbd_file) ret=$? fi if [[ ${ret} -eq 0 ]] ; then source "${keyfile}" else printf 'Failed to setup keys using zkbd.\n' fi unfunction zkbd_file; unset keyfile ret # setup key accordingly [[ -n "${key[Home]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Home]}" beginning-of-line [[ -n "${key[End]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[End]}" end-of-line [[ -n "${key[Insert]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Insert]}" overwrite-mode [[ -n "${key[Delete]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Delete]}" delete-char [[ -n "${key[Up]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Up]}" up-line-or-history [[ -n "${key[Down]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Down]}" down-line-or-history [[ -n "${key[Left]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Left]}" backward-char [[ -n "${key[Right]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Right]}" forward-char # --------------------------------- # Colors. # Completion. # Key bindings. alias ll='colorls -GlAhF'
/usr/bin/calendar -A 0 -f /usr/share/calendar/calendar.all
The function will not be run in future, but you can run it yourself as follows: autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install zsh-newuser-install -f
maxime@save /home/maxime % touch .zshenv .zprofile .zlogout
Ordre d'exécution des fichiers de configuration (cf http://zsh.sourceforge.net/FAQ/zshfaq03.html#l19) :