====== FAQ challenges ====== The King of Fighters XI PS2 Challenge Mode FAQ King of Fighters XI Game Copyright 2005/2006 SNK Playmore Playstation 2 (J) Challenge Mode FAQ v. 1.02 Guide Copyright 2006 by Perfect Stranger Transcribed by Alexis Rivera To find your topic from the list, use CTRL+F with codes! ---[TOC]--- *~Table of contents~* [INN] Introduction [RVN] Revision info [WCH] What is Challenge mode? [LCH] List of Challenges [ECH] Example Challenge [C01] Challenge 1 [C02] Challenge 2 [C03] Challenge 3 [C04] Challenge 4 [C05] Challenge 5 [C06] Challenge 6 [C07] Challenge 7 [C08] Challenge 8 [C09] Challenge 9 [C10] Challenge 10 [C11] Challenge 11 [C12] Challenge 12 [C13] Challenge 13 [C14] Challenge 14 [C15] Challenge 15 [C16] Challenge 16 [C17] Challenge 17 [C18] Challenge 18 [C19] Challenge 19 [C20] Challenge 20 [C21] Challenge 21 [C22] Challenge 22 [C23] Challenge 23 [C24] Challenge 24 [C25] Challenge 25 [C26] Challenge 26 [C27] Challenge 27 [C28] Challenge 28 [C29] Challenge 29 [C30] Challenge 30 [C31] Challenge 31 [C32] Challenge 32 [C33] Challenge 33 [C34] Challenge 34 [C35] Challenge 35 [C36] Challenge 36 [C37] Challenge 37 [C38] Challenge 38 [C39] Challenge 39 [C40] Challenge 40 [ULB] Unlockable Items [ACD] Acknowledgements [CTC] Contact Info [INT]-----------------------INTRODUCTION------------------------------ Hello. This is an FAQ based EXCLUSIVELY on the new King of Fighters XI, and its new PS2-exclusive mode, Challenge Mode. There are a LOT of incentives to finishing challenge mode, but I bet that you, the casual import player, have NO clue what the challenges say in all that Japanese! No worries, as this guide has been written *just* for YOU! Just so we get ONE thing perfectly clear. I am not the author of this guide. I was asked to transcribe the guide and submit it. That is all. The author of this is Perfect Stranger from Orochinagi forums. He knows a LOT more Japanese than I do, and for that he kicks ass. In order to view this guide properly, though, make sure you see the following string of numbers. 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This guide has been formatted to a 70-character width. You should be able to see 7 zeroes (all marked for clarity). THIS GUIDE IS EXCLUSIVELY FOR PEOPLE WITH MODERATE KNOWLEDGE OF BASIC GAMEPLAY FOR KOF XI. In no way is this guide a substitute for an in- depth guide, as there are no other aspects of KOF XI covered. While basic notation is written here, the user of this guide should know general fighting game terms, especially related to KOF (SC = Super Cancel, DM, SDM, LDM, etc.). [legal] **IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE** This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, direct links or copy/paste. This FAQ is, for the time being, only hosted at: http://faqs.ign.com http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.1up.com ...and is not, under any circumstances, allowed to be hosted in any other gaming-related or non-gaming-related website except for: http://www.ign.com http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.1up.com and their affiliated sites. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. It is also not allowed to distribute this guide through the use of neither Torrent applications nor any peer- to-peer applications or any other software in a public or private network, such as but not limited to: Usenet, Limewire, Azureus, BitTorrent among others. It is also a violation of copyright to distribute this guide through any instant messaging systems or e- mail services to anyone, unless the distributor asks for permission. In the case that the permission were granted, it is REQUIRED for this paragraph to be included in the FAQ as part of the agreement, even if I fail to mention it at the time said permission is granted, and it is also required of the receiving part of the distribution to read and abide by the statements on this paragraph. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This notice may change between versions, and so the latest notice will have priority. The guide's user has the responsibility of making sure he has the updated version of the guide if he chooses to ask for permission to distribute. The latest version of this guide will be available through the internet only in the afforementioned websites. [/legal] Whew... Sorry, but I know that if I don't place it here, you WON'T read it! So we got the legal stuff covered... OK, let's get cracking! [RVN]----------------------REVISION INFO------------------------------ To find the latest version of this guide, go here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/king_of_fighters_xi_challenge. (address continues here)-------> txt http://faqs.ign.com/articles/713/713936p1.html v. 1.02 7/5/2006 Added a note on Challenge 34, corrected the legal section of the FAQ. v. 1.01 6/23/2006 Corrected some spelling errors. Corrected bonuses for Challenges 25 and 35. Added links to updated FAQs. v. 1.00 6/22/2006 First build, will most likely be the last version. Added data for all challenges, as well as prizes for those which apply. Added unlockable items section. [WCH]-----------------WHAT IS CHALLENGE MODE?------------------------- Challenge Mode is a new mode introduced to the home port of the arcade game The King of Fighters XI. The arcade port was released on June 22, 2006 and only in Japan (so far). It consists of 40 challenges, each with their unique situations and clear conditions. Some challenges have an unlockable character as an incentive for clearing the challenge, while others will test your skill just for fun, and some will just show you the basics of the game engine. There's one big incentive for clearing challenge mode. Well, if you do, the game will automatically unlock EVERYTHING, from endings to artwork to characters that you'd normally unlock in Endless Mode (yet another new mode not discussed here). So aim to clear the challenges and you'll get everything! [LCH]--------------------LIST OF CHALLENGES--------------------------- Following the next example, all 40 challenges will be listed, as well as any unlocked characters that will... well, be unlocked. [ECH]---------------------EXAMPLE CHALLENGE--------------------------- Task: Beat the opponent with an eye-poke. Special conditions: You have one hand tied behind your back, so you only have one hand available. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character Character(s) faced: Ash Crimson Advice: Watch out for his hands, as he may place his hand on his nose to block your eye poke attempt. Reward: An undeserved sense of accomplishment. *** I think it's self-explanatory at this point. NOTE: From this point on, all information, notes and words are from Perfect Stranger in the Orochinagi forums, with his consent. [C01]-----------------------CHALLENGE 1------------------------------- Task: Beat opponent with only normal moves. Command moves are not normal moves. Special Conditions: You can *only* do normal moves. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character Advice: None, really. I mean, characters like Ralf have great normals (you can just spam C all day), but you really shouldn't have a problem with this. Reward: None [C02]-----------------------CHALLENGE 2------------------------------- Task: Beat opponent with only special moves or Supers. Command moves are not special moves. Special Conditions: You can *only* do special moves/supers. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character Advice: Again, none really. Just pick who you're comfortable with. Reward: None [C03]-----------------------CHALLENGE 3------------------------------- Task: Roll recover 10 times. Special Conditions: You won't die from loss of health. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: None, really. Both forward roll recovers and normal (backward) roll recovers count. Reward: None. [C04]-----------------------CHALLENGE 4------------------------------- Task: Break out of throws, 5 times. Special Conditions: You don't die from loss of health. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: This is where it gets slightly tricky. To be honest, it's not that easy to break out of the throw. I've always sucked at it. I've personally found it easier to break throws like this: If the opponent is throwing you with a C throw, press back and C. If the opponent is throwing you with a D throw, press forward and D. Of course, the window where the break throw command will be accepted is so small that you won't really be able to wait and see if it's a C throw or a D throw before deciding what to press. Theoretically (or so I've been told), pressing either forward or backward doesn't really matter, and you should be able to cover your bases by pressing back CD to break all throws, but I haven't been able to get this working well for me. Reward: None. [C05]-----------------------CHALLENGE 5------------------------------- Task: Defeat your opponent. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Shion (sub-boss) Advice: Yay, finally a normal battle, right? :p Shion might be kindy tricky since she has a boss' endurance (i.e. your attacks all suffer from damage scaling up the wazoo). Remember, however, that you've got unlimited power and skill stocks. If you're having a hard time, simply pick a character with a good LDM and spam it like crazy. Recommendations include Gato (guard crushes easily) and King (basically fireball your opponent to death). Reward: Shion is unlocked. [C06]-----------------------CHALLENGE 6------------------------------- Task: Defeat your opponent. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Magaki (end-boss) Advice: Magaki is the cheapest KOF boss in recent history, so my only advice to you is to be even cheaper. Keep spamming King's LDM, and you should be able to win. Athena's works ok too. Reward: Magaki is unlocked. [C07]-----------------------CHALLENGE 7------------------------------- Task: Guard Cancel roll 10 ties. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: A break after two relatively tricky challenges. This is really easy, just block and press AB. Reward: None. [C08]-----------------------CHALLENGE 8------------------------------- Task: Guard Cancel Blowout (E button) Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: Also really simple. Just block and press E. Reward: None. [C09]-----------------------CHALLENGE 9------------------------------- Task: Defeat 3 teams. Special Conditions: Upon beating a team, your characters are picked again randomly. The leader slot stays though, so if, say, you picked your first character to be your leader, then when you get your new random characters, the first character is the leader. Character(s) used: Randomised team of 3 for all 3 rounds. Character(s) faced: Random, 3 full storyline teams, randomly picked. Advice: Basically just a challenge to see if you can handle more than 1 or 2 teams' worth of characters. Shouldn't be too hard. Reward: None. [C10]-----------------------CHALLENGE 10------------------------------ Task: Survive till time is up. Special Conditions: You cannot move, or perform any command moves. You *can*, however, perform special moves, although the only move that will be of any help are the fireballs. Also your life is at 20%, and the timer is at 30 seconds. Character(s) used: Robert. Character(s) faced: King. Advice: The first of the more interesting challenges. The basic idea is this: You can't move or otherwise dodge, and all the while King is randomly firing fireballs at you. You can only survive guarding 22 (if I didn't count wrongly) fireballs, and King can definitely launch more than 22 at you in 30 counts of the clock. You can, however, fire off some fireballs of your own. Robert, like King, can fire both high and low fireballs. Now, you can dodge the high fireballs King launches at you, so no problem there. You can't jump over the low fireballs, so you're going to have to either nullify with your own low fireball (charge back, forward + k), or just block it entirely. King also fires Double Strikes, i.e. 2 fireballs at a time, and since you won't be able to nullify both, you can either nullify the first and block the second (risky), or block both. You're probably going to have to replay this quite a few times, but some pointers to keep in mind: - Again, you can just duck the high fireballs. - Don't be overly trigger happy with your own fireballs. You can't really afford to get hit by any fireballs, so err on the side of caution when deciding if you want to throw your own fireballs. - I recommend throwing the D fireball. It'll nullify the low fireballs, and if you time it well enough, you can hit King while she's doing a Double Strike such that you'll hit her before the 2nd fireball is launched, and you still have time to block the first fireball. - It's safer to throw fireballs when King is a full screen away from you. - When throwing low fireballs, you *will* move forward slightly. If you want to maintain a full screen distance away from King, you're going to have to block a few of her fireballs. - I wouldn't throw fireballs when you're at a frame disadvantage. By this, I mean King has had time to move while you were stuck in block stun/recovery lag, etc. Conversely, throw fireballs when you are at a frame advantage, e.g. when you dodge a slow, high fireball, and King has to wait for the fireball to leave the screen before she can throw another, or when King is in hit stun but you've recovered, etc. [Transcriber's note: Jess Ragan e-mails an alternate solution. "I've found that it's a whole lot easier to turtle in the corner, ducking under the high fireballs and using Robert's Flash Kick (down...up, kick) to leap over the low ones. You will have to block all the middle Venom Strikes, but even if King goes nuts with Double Strikes, she'll run out of time before you run out of energy. It's much safer than trying to counter her hailstorm of fireballs, only to have a few of them slip through your defenses and hit you for full damage." Thanks for the insight, Jess.] Reward: Robert is unlocked. [C11]-----------------------CHALLENGE 11------------------------------ Task: Quick Shift 5 times. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random, storyline team. Advice: Something straight forward again. Just attack and press AC or BD quickly. Note that the opponent will be actively attacking you, and you will lose if 2 of your characters are defeated. Reward: None [C12]-----------------------CHALLENGE 12------------------------------ Task: Saving Shift 5 times. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random, storyline team. Advice: Again, pretty straight forward. Switch out when you get hit. Reward: None [C13]-----------------------CHALLENGE 13------------------------------ Task: Super Cancel Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: Pretty simple, really. Benimaru has a really simple super cancel if you need help doing this (just qcf k, qcf k, qcf p). Reward: None. [C14]-----------------------CHALLENGE 14------------------------------ Task: Dream Cancel Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: Again, pretty simple. You might want to use one of the characters with a ranbu super (e.g Ryo, Iori, etc) so you might have more time to do the Dream Cancel. Reward: None [C15]-----------------------CHALLENGE 15------------------------------ Task: Deflect 10 fireballs. Special Conditions: You may not move, nor use normal/command moves. Character(s) used: Hotaru. Character(s) faced: King. Advice: Pretty simple. Just use Hotaru's qcb k move to deflect King's fireballs. Reward: Hotaru unlocked. [C16]-----------------------CHALLENGE 16------------------------------ Task: Win via time up. Special Conditions: The lifebars and Judgement indicator will be hidden. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: Another pretty interesting stage. The way to go here is to use characters with multi-hitting special moves, since that'll tilt the Judgement Indicator in your factor. Recommended characters are King, Ryo, Benimaru, etc. At the start, hit your opponents with those multi-hitting moves, then turtle for as long as you can. I'd personally make sure that you're always one character ahead of the opponent, as the loss of a character tilts the Judgement Indicator by quite a bit. Reward: None [C17]-----------------------CHALLENGE 17------------------------------ Task: Do 5 counter hits. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: King. Advice: King will keep throwing fireballs, so all you need is to hit her in the middle of it. Kyo's Red Kick, Ryo's qcf k, etc should all work pretty well. Reward: None [C18]-----------------------CHALLENGE 18------------------------------ Task: Guard Cancel Shift 5 times. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: Nothing, really. Pretty simple: Block the attack, press AC/BD. Reward: None [C19]-----------------------CHALLENGE 19------------------------------ Task: Break your opponent's saving shift. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: Like the task says, your opponent will saving shift immediately if he's hit. The solution to this is to pick a character with a strong anti-air move (like Kyo's uppercut, etc), jab your opponent, then immediately do your anti-air move. Reward: None [C20]-----------------------CHALLENGE 20------------------------------ Task: Defeat all female fighters (boss and PS2 only characters not withstanding) in 10 minutes. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Mai. Character(s) faced: Sequence of: Elizabeth, Yuri, King, B.Jenet, Whip, Athena, Momoko, Vanessa,Blue Mary, Malin, Kasumi, Kula. Advice: Ah, Mai, you've been missed. The important thing to realize here is that the amount of life you regain between rounds is totally dependent on what move you finish off your opponents with. A normal finish nets you next to nothing, a special finish close to that, a super finish nets you about half a bar, and a Leader finish nets you about 65 percent of a bar. Also, since your power and skill stocks carry over from round to round (as do your opponents'), it's important to manage your power stocks well so you can attempt for a leader finish whenever you need it. A single Leader from any of your opponents can ruin what was otherwise a fine try, especially Kasumi's counter LDM: She will whip it out on you mercilessly, so be prepared. Thankfully Mai's LDM isn't blocked that often by your opponents, so you can kinda count on it to hit when you need to. You do have to be careful about its arc of descent though - it's pretty shallow, which means that, while you can reach your opponent from across the screen, it's actually harder to hit closer opponents. Also good for finishes are her flame pillar DM (a version), since for some reason the CPU likes to roll into it. If you're in the midst of a combo, Mai's Super Ninja Bees (Rolling elbow DM) is also great for finishing off that last bit of life. This challenge isn't that hard. Time isn't really a factor here. Keep hammering away with bread and butter combos of jump d, stand C, dwn-fwd b, qcb b, qcb C. Or, alternatively, stand C, fwd B, qcb C (while in the air - the opponent can still be juggled after this if you've got them cornered). Mai's fireballs are also pretty solid, so you can use them from afar if you don't want to risk close quarters combat. Remember this, especially against Kasumi, who will whore her LDM counter every chance she gets, but strangely, choose not to perform her super fireball. Reward: Mai is unlocked. [C21]-----------------------CHALLENGE 21------------------------------ Task: Combo from a quick shift Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: We're starting to get into the trickier half of the challenges, but this just requires a bit of practice and some quick button presses, nothing too special. Reward: None [C22]-----------------------CHALLENGE 22------------------------------ Task: Timing it accurately, use a (command) throw to KO your opponent. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. You may not move or use Normals or command moves. There is 5 seconds left on the clock. Character(s) used: Clark. Character(s) faced: Ralf. Advice: Ah, a classic situation. This is a recreation of a seldom-seen scene in the arcade: Ralf is going to do his Galactica Phantom, and you, as Clark, must time it just right such that, before his fist lands, you execute your LDM command grab. No real advice here other than practice, practice, practice. Reward: None [C23]-----------------------CHALLENGE 23------------------------------ Task: Do a combo of 15 hits or more. Special Conditions: Unlimited skill stocks for you. You may not use super moves, or LDMs. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: You can do this the hard way, using your skill stocks to quick shift into combo after combo after combo. Or, you might do the easy way and take someone like Ryo, and do Jump C, stand C, fwd, back, fwd C. Next. Reward: None [C24]-----------------------CHALLENGE 24------------------------------ Task: Achieve a perfect victory. Special Conditions: You are at zero health. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: You can do this the hard way, using your skils to keep your opponent constantly pinned down, unable to retaliate or find an opening in your flawless volley of assaults. Or, you might do the easy way and take someone like Magaki, and spam your various screen covering projectiles. Next. Reward: None [C25]-----------------------CHALLENGE 25------------------------------ Task: Defeat an opponent whose life constantly regenerates to 30% of a full bar. Special Conditions: 10 seconds left on the clock. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 charactes. Character(s) faced: Tung Fu Rue. Advice: Since you don't start off with any power or skill stocks, someone with a long, damaging combo like Kula is best suited for this challenge. Keep doing her bread and butter combo of Jump C, Stand C (1 hit), fwd A, qcb b, fwd D, uppercut C. Tung shouldn't be too hard. Reward: Tung is unlocked. [C26]-----------------------CHALLENGE 26------------------------------ Task: Defeat 10 people in 7 minutes. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 10 characters. Advice: This is essentially the Mai challenge all over again, except you get to choose who you get to use. Again, time shouldn't be a factor, and the tips that came in handy for the Mai challenge still apply here. Reward: None [C27]-----------------------CHALLENGE 27------------------------------ Task: Survive until time runs out. Special Conditions: You are at 0 health. There are 15 seconds left on the clock. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: You can do this the hard way, using your skils to keep your opponent constantly pinned down, unable to retaliate or find an opening in your flawless volley of assaults. Or, you might do the easy way and take someone like Magaki, and spam your various screen covering projectiles. Next. Reward: None [C28]-----------------------CHALLENGE 28------------------------------ Task: Do a super cancel, into a dream cancel. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: This really shouldn't be too hard, but if you're having a problem, pick Benimaru: do qcf k, qcf k, qcf x 2 p, qcf x 2 E. Next. Reward: None [C29]-----------------------CHALLENGE 29------------------------------ Task: Crush your opponent's guard, and combo from there. Special Conditions: Your opponent will only start to take damage from the 2nd hit after a guard crush. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: This is more a test of patience then anything else. Take your favorite character with a long combo chain, e.g. Kula, keep doing jump Cs till your opponent guard crushes, and then combo him to death. Reward: None [C30]-----------------------CHALLENGE 30------------------------------ Task: KO an opponent who will do Guard Cancel attacks. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Your opponent will only take damage from the 2nd hit onwards. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: EX Kyo. Advice: AKA the "What do you do if you're playing KOF 2002 'Special Edition' and your opponent keeps using 5 stock combos on you?" situation (cue laughter from an inside joke). To be honest, I'm sure there's a 'honest' way to do this challenge, but I just picked King and spammed her LDM all day. Reward: EX Kyo is unlocked [C31]-----------------------CHALLENGE 31------------------------------ Task: KO an opponent whose health will instantly regenerate to 50% once your combo ends. Special Conditions: Unlimited skill stocks for you. LDMs can not be used. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Ryo. Advice: The final block of challenges. Depending on your skills, this might be hard or easy. Since my skills suck, this was kinda tricky. If you're like me, some general advice would be that characters with Ranbus like Ryo, King, etc help immensely in quick shift-centric challenges like this. If you desperately need help, the setup I used was: King, Ryo, (doesn't matter). Push your opponent into the corner. Ryo does Jump C, Stand C, Uppercut, Super Cancel into Ranbu, Quick Shift to King with a Jump D, Stand D (2 hits), dwn fwd D, rdp b, super cancel into ranbu. Reward: None [C32]-----------------------CHALLENGE 32------------------------------ Task: Defeat your opponents, who will be in a state of constant LDM-power. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: KOF 2003 Hero Team: Ash, Duo Lon, and Shen. Advice: Not that hard, really. The only one who's of any concern is Shen, since he hits *hard* and will not hesitate to combo into supers. Reward: None [C33]-----------------------CHALLENGE 33------------------------------ Task: Defeat your opponents. Special Conditions: None. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Randomly selected mid bosses. Advice: Only really tricky because all the bosses have that boss endurance which makes all your attacks get damage scaled to hell. Characters with specials that do lots of hit, e.g. King, Ryo, etc are better suited for fighting against them, since the damage scaling is less of a problem. The AI can be quite a bitch sometimes though. Reward: None [C34]-----------------------CHALLENGE 34------------------------------ Task: KO an opponent whose health regenerates to 80% instantly once your combo ends Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Ryo. Advice: Yep, this challenge again. Pretty much the same advice as last time, except now you can use your leader. The only thing I added to the above challenge was to use Gato, and finish off the combo with quick shifting into him and using his LDM. This will probably be one of the hardest challenges if you don't actually have quite a bit of experience playing this game. Reward: None [Transcriber's note: Try Elisabeth and Ralf (Leader). Do Elisabeth's dp+C and SC into her qcf,hcb+P, then QS into Ralf, wait a little bit and do qcf,qcf+E for the win. Or try with only Shingo. Run to the corner and do jump D, stand C, f+B, qcf+A XX qcf,qcf+E. If you did the super cancel correctly, Shingo will hit the last hit twice for godly damage (and thus clearing the challenge).] [C35]-----------------------CHALLENGE 35------------------------------ Task: Defeat a character whose offensive and defensive powers are 3 times yours. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Mr Big. Advice: Pretty much the same advice as against all boss opponents, except this time the damage scaling really is *ridiculous*. Reward: Mr. BIG is unlocked. [C36]-----------------------CHALLENGE 36------------------------------ Task: Deflect all of your opponents projectiles. Special Conditions: You cannot move. Your health is at 0. There are 2 seconds left on the clock. Character(s) used: Shen. Character(s) faced: King. Advice: The last of the fireball challenges: As Shen, keep doing qcb p as King does her LDM on you. With a little luck, this shouldn't be that hard. Reward: None [C37]-----------------------CHALLENGE 37------------------------------ Task: Do a combo of 20 hits or more. Special Conditions: Unlimited skill stocks for you. Supers and LDMs may not be used. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random, 1 character. Advice: This should be pretty easy if you've cleared the previous challenges. If you need advice, again, use King and Ryo, and quick shift from their multi-hitting moves. Reward: None [C38]-----------------------CHALLENGE 38------------------------------ Task: Defeat your opponent. Special Conditions: You will be guard crushed if you block your opponent's attack. Character(s) used: Choice of 1 character. Character(s) faced: Shen, in LDM mode. Advice: This isn't that hard, really, since Shen still takes normal damage If you're having troubles, maybe use Magaki and his screen-covering projectiles. Reward: None [C39]-----------------------CHALLENGE 39------------------------------ Task: Do a quick shift combo with all 3 members of your party. Special Conditions: Unlimited power and skill stocks for you. Character(s) used: Choice of 3 characters. Character(s) faced: Random storyline team. Advice: Again, not that hard in light of past challenges. Reward: None [C40]-----------------------CHALLENGE 40------------------------------ Task: Defeat your opponent. Special Conditions: Your opponent will only be damaged from your counter moves, and from combos starting from your counter moves. You have 50% health. Character(s) used: Geese. Character(s) faced: Terry Bogard. Advice: The last challenge, and it's such a pain. It might just be that I suck, but this really is just hit and miss. Anyway, Terry will keep doing the following, in a psuedo- random fashion: fireball, burn knuckle, crack shoot, power dunk, power charge, stand C. You need to kill him by countering him 8 times (I haven't figured out how to combo from a counter yet?), and the counter move of choice is hcb b: This is the high counter, and should counter everything from his list of moves, save, of course, for his fireball. Some small tidbits that might help: It's pretty hard to set up, but if you're all the way in with your back to the corner, and Terry is right next to you, his fireballs will actually miss totally, so you can keep spamming the counter move motion - if you guess correctly, you get a counter, if not, you don't get hit by the fireball. Terry tends to fireball at least 2 times in a row before he thinks he might do something else. The only real move you can react to in time to do a counter is his burn knuckle from a full screen away. Thankfully, Geese's command throw will toss Terry exactly a screen away, so no worries there. Reward: Geese is unlocked. [Transcriber's note: Geese's counter moves are SCable, which means that with some timing and a little luck, you can cancel his counter into his Raging Storm DM or LDM and it will hit and damage Terry. The Deadly Rave also SCs from them, but will not hit. Make sure you do the pretzel motion right after he turns around, and the Raging Storm will hit Terry as he bounces off the ground.] [ULB]----------------------UNLOCKABLE ITEMS--------------------------- Clear Challenge 5 - Unlock Shion. Clear Challenge 6 - Unlock Magaki. Clear Challenge 10 - Unlock Robert Garcia. Clear Challenge 15 - Unlock Hotaru Futaba. Clear Challenge 20 - Unlock Mai Shiranui. Clear Challenge 25 - Unlock Tung Fu Rue. Clear Challenge 30 - Unlock EX Kyo. Clear Challenge 35 - Unlock Mr. BIG. Clear Challenge 40 - Unlock Geese. Clear All 40 Challenges - Unlock the rest of the secret characters, endings, artwork and special team ending art. [ACD]----------------------ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS--------------------------- Perfect Stranger (Orochinagi forums) - for writing the original FAQ found here: http://kingoffighters.planets.gamespy.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=10 And for letting me write it down and submit it. IGN FAQs, Game FAQs and 1-up.com for hosting this guide. Jess Ragan - For an alternate way to beat Challenge 10. You - for reading this FAQ [CTC]------------------------CONTACT INFO----------------------------- You can find Perfect Stranger in the Orochinagi forums. He's the mod in the KOF XI board. This is the link to his profile. http://kingoffighters.planets.gamespy.com/forums/profile.php?mode= viewprofile&u=105 Make sure there are no spaces between those two lines of text when you copy that into the address bar. As for me you can find me on GameFAQs by the username guitalex2006, and in IGN's message boards by guitalex2002. This is my e-mail: ingeniero{underscore}rivera(AT)yahoo[dot]com Where: {underscore} = _ (AT) = @ [dot] = . Thanks for reading this! ====== Sources ====== * http://uk.faqs.ign.com/articles/713/713936p1.html